Sunday, October 31, 2010

Epic hot mess

last night was the stuff of "crusher legend" I  dont really feel like rehashing it all right now but let me tell you, when I actually have the energy to type it all out...the screen may just explode.  so for now let me leave you with a picture of my costume....p.s. i was a black unicorn

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cast of Characters (or the usual suspects)

So I guess I should get at least a silver star for blogging 2 days in a row. 

1. and I am sure I might get stoned to death for this but I really don't understand the appeal of Glee...really don't have anything to add about this other than meh...

Now that I have that off my chest I'm going to introduce you to a small but consistent group of people in my life....makes it easier for future entries when I talk about someone you'll know who they are

1.Gina, this is my sister and business partner.  Get a mental image of myself in your head and then go to the exact opposite and you have a pretty good indication of her.  She lives vicariously through my shenanigans and enjoys things like horseback riding and reading at home.  She is very "type a" and is kind of conservative, I drive her crazy when it comes to the minutia of the business because my brain just doesn't work like that. 

2.  Darcie....aka troll.  This is and always will be my best friend.  We met the summer before Kindergarten and she has been bossing me around pretty much every since.  She has the tendency to point her finger a lot and give "lectures" about why I(or another one of my friends) may need supervision of some sort. 

3.Chip-I have known Chip for a very long time(and have probably been getting him in trouble for just as long).  He is probably my best male friend and I can generally bully him into anything.

4. Carla- some people are just amazingly solid and sweet people...she is one of them.

5. Woo-oh man Gabe will be so mad that woo got introduced first but he shall get over it.  Woo a transplant from San Diego, she is adorable and hilarious and somehow helps me be reasonable without losing my sense of nonsense.  I have decided that when She and Gabe get married he has to change his last name to Woo.  She has been essentially my rock through this whole break up mess and I love her for that...I hope one day to be able to repay that favor, oh yeah and her real name is Lyssa. 

6. Gabe-Met  Gabe through a mutual friend(who neither of us talk to anymore) he has also been instrumental in helping me through this breakup, though Ive helped him through some pretty messy times so its a two way street for us.  We dated seriously for a nanosecond was bizarre.

7. Jen...aka Tall Guy aka Attaxl aka Asstaxl aka the other half of the "messy Jens"  This is my roommate...we have an odd( at times) relationship where I turn into the momma bear... most of the times things are awesome and fun and crazy with her.

8. Brendan aka 4.5 aka the ex.  like I said he is going through this period of "self discovery" right now...I did the same thing like 5 years ago so I understand(to an extent) but i don't necessarily have to agree with it.  He's loud and funny, and a genuinely great person, he accepted me for who I was and never tried to change me,  which are all reasons I think i fell for him in the first place.  We are working on the friends far its working alright   If things are supposed to work...they will but above all this has been an exercise in me learning I cant control everything.

9. Stef- She is hilarious and generous and her wedding seriously will be ridiculous and out of hand.   There have been many a night of complete mayhem with her being some part of it.

I Seriously have so many amazing derby friends that if I wrote about all of them I would seriously be here all stories come up I will give background info then...I think I am done for now...

Monday, October 25, 2010

The first(of many?)

So for many writing about things is cathartic(oo look its a 25cent word...guess I should put my master's degree to use in some way), I am hoping that this blog will serve as well as a chronicling of all of my shenanigans both past and present.  So Why a blog, why now? There are a few reasons for this....1. I have a ton of time on my hands...I currently have a broken Scapula as well as a torn coacoracromial(sp?) ligament in my shoulder so I sit at home a lot... ....I have lots of stories...I have told many of them and what I get from many people is....oh man you should have a it is.  I guess the usual way to start this kind of thing off is to talk about myself...let you get at least a mental image of the person writing this crap.  So here are the basics...

My name is Jen...most people call be Bonecrusher(or Crusher, Crush, Crushante, Rush, Rusher, bionic or hey you with the glitter on your face). 

     I play roller derby for the Steel Hurtin, we are the all star team for the Steel City Derby Demons.  Derby is and always will be my first love and know how you start something and feel like you were just made for it....that's how derby is for me. I started skating when our league started in 2006 and my current injury is from derby(sadly practice and not something cool) and so most folks reactions have been youre done...yeah right! Someone will have to drag my wrinkled old ass off the track a LONG time from now.  Its my release and stops me from getting stabby on the general populace.  I consider many of my teammates more like family than anything(and actually live with one of them), therefore if you cross my cross me...just don't do it.  
     People look at me like a bit of an anomaly. I am a chubby kid...I always have been a chubby kid...most likely I always will be a chubby kid HOWEVER dont let my size fool you...I WILL chase you down and hit you....really hard..

I have a pug that I found chained to a dumpster3 years ago(In November) His name is Dwayne Megatron Attorney at Law and he is way better than your pet...and there's a good possibility I like him better than you. 

 This is him. and the black goblin looking dog is Dillinger, he is my roommate's pug.  As you can clearly tell by his face he really does like dressing up and wearing I am not some weird dog lady...ok well i might be but...whatever. 

I am 28 years old and have seen and experienced a lot in that short time.  Some of it has been amazing, some of it has been pretty terrible but all have been learning experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today. I have a M.S. in Psychology and wrestle daily with the thought of earning a PhD of some sort.  I have an incredibly quirky sense of humor and make jokes at some of the most inappropriate times. Some may call me an orthopedic nightmare and I may agree but all I have experienced has only made me stronger.  I have scoliosis, as well as a metal hip...sometimes I set off metal detectors at airports, sometimes I makes no sense...but if you look at an x-ray of my body its actually pretty cool.  I have never used my physical issues as an excuse for anything *see also me still carrying incredibly heavy things one handed at my second job).  I have had a shattered femur, broken ribs, a broken ankle(that I walked on for 3 weeks before realizing something was wrong), a broken hand, fractured spine and broken scapula( both derby related), broken nose and more stitches than you could count.  I have an almost super human pain tolerance most likely related to all of these injuries. 

I am still in the process of getting over a pretty gnarly break up. I was blindsided out of nowhere with the news that I was single, after feeling like/knowing that I had found "the one" and it crushed me.(also I promise this blog wont be an angsty whiny girl hating her life and bad mouthing her ex kind of deal but I just feel like this is now part of my back story)  The good days definitely outnumber the bad at this point but for a few weeks I was a mess...I couldn't sleep, didn't eat for 21 days, puked up blood, couldn't sleep, fell off the face of the planet and was drinking...a lot...I realize that a break up isn't the end of the world but at the time it felt like it was.  We are trying to stay on good terms while he "finds himself", but I am not putting my life on hold for anyone...I deserve better than that.  If our paths cross again one day then so be it but whatever...During this time my eyes were really opened to who my true friends are and it made me appreciate them all the more. 

So when not playing roller derby I have other things that keep me pretty busy.  I like to read books(true crime, things about nazi germany, and books by authors like chuck klosterman/chuck palahnuik), I collect comic books, this is a hobby I have had since I was 13 and have several long boxes of comics from the past 15 years of my life.  Is it I care...not even remotely.  I have a tattoo on my arm of a full panel from a wolverine comic(its number 181 if youre counting and its one of Adam Kubert's most famous full panels he has done) its wolverine and the juggernaut facing off...I LOVE it...which is good because its fucking huge. 

     I am in the process of starting a business with my sister(see diametrically opposite of me) called Steel City Cupcakes....baking has been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember and word on the street is that we are pretty good at it also.  If we don't kill each other first we will have a pretty good chance at being successful.  I love cupcakes, you love cupcakes...who doesn't love cupcakes?

     Speaking of family...I have the most amazing family anyone could ever ask parents are incredibly supportive and would do anything in their power for their kids...even if we don't always get along.  My sister's favorite past time(aside from riding her horse) is tattling on me to my mom about my facebook posts/pictures...i keep threatening to defriend her but she would be crushed....I clearly got all the fun genes in the family. 

Well I think this is enough of the background info for now...